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Guardian Bulletin Spring 2022



Welcome to the Spring Edition of the Guardian Bulletin. The IGA Board and Committees have been hard at work this quarter on several projects including the updating of the website and planning of the IGA Conference.

This free educational event will be held on May 11, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, at the Illinois Education Association Building, 3440 Liberty Drive, Springfield. Please visit the “Upcoming Events” section of the newly redesigned website to register.

The Annual Business Meeting will precede the conference educational sessions. Prior to the meeting, members will receive an email with the new slate of officers. Please cast your vote for the candidate(s) of your choice. We are sorry to announce that Board Member Kathryn Kaniewski has resigned from the Board of Directors. We thank Kathryn for her service to the guardianship community.

With the lessening of Covid restrictions, it has become easier for guardians to visit persons under guardianship. We are grateful that in-person visits are now feasible. As to our Conference in May, the IGA is including a virtual option for attendance at the Conference, in case of further restrictions. This option will appear when you register online. I look forward to seeing many of our members in May!

Kathy Eddy, President

Illinois Guardianship Association


The IGA board welcomes our newest board member, Rhonda Brenner, NCG. Rhonda is a

Guardianship Representative with the Office of State Guardian. She has been with OSG since

2019 and works out of the West Suburban office in Hines, Illinois. She will be filling an open

board position for the remainder of 2022.

NOW is the perfect opportunity to join the IGA Board! If you are interested in becoming a

member of the Illinois Guardianship Association, please send an email with an updated

resume to or via mail to Illinois Guardianship Association PO Box

5183 Morton, Il 61550.


The next Illinois Guardianship Association conference is scheduled for May

11, 2022 IN-person. Our ANNUAL meeting will also occur on this same day.

This event will take place at the Illinois Education Association Building at 3340

Liberty Dr. Springfield, Il. As always, this conference is free to attend and will

offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs), National Certified Guardian

certification credits, and attorney Continuing Legal Education (CLEs) hours.

Registration will be open soon through the IGA website.

PLEASE NOTE: The IGA will adhere to Covid19 guidance issued by the

building. At this time, part of that guidance means no food, which is disappointing

as we have always enjoyed having a catered breakfast from Panera. This

information is shared WITH the disclaimer that Covid19 restrictions remain fluid

and this information could change by the day of the event.


The Illinois Guardianship Association has redesigned our public website

page! This has been an ongoing project over the last several months and we hope

our members find it to be of use and easy to navigate. A few of the sections

remain a work in progress, in particular, the section focused on Legal information is

under construction. If you have any comments, ideas, or suggestions for this part

of the website (or any others) please send them to for the

website committee to consider. When you have some time take a look at the

website redesign HERE:


TODAY and reap the benefits until April 2023! IGA dues are $50.00 and you can find the application here: MEMBERSHIP | Illinois Guardianship Association Please mail your dues check to:

Illinois Guardianship Association

P.O. Box 5183

Morton, Il 61550


The Illinois Guardianship Association- Human Rights Authority is actively seeking volunteer board members to serve on the Regional HRA Boards throughout Illinois. The HRA is a disability advocacy program focused on improving systemic issues within the disability provider system. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the volunteer application found on the State of Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Website-HRA website: Volunteers - Human Rights Authority (



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